Thursday, December 31, 2009


So I am going to Brazil next thing i was told to do by my school was to find out the difference between Catholicism and a cult.. as I was looking up thoughts and definitions of cults I came to the conclusion that in the past, during the crusades and the time Alexander the Great, it would be considered a cult. They could not go against the Pope or they would be killed. They discouraged reading the Bible by putting in a language that was not common to their own people and they took money from their followers. However now I would have to say that I do not think that what the Catholic Church has become is now considered a cult...Am i sure at this point, no but thats what I think...

As I continued my search for this information for and against this idea of a cult idea I ran into another idea.. All religions are cults, they are the same thing and have the same definition...

Main Entry: cult
Pronunciation: \ˈkəlt\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate — more at wheel
Date: 1617
1 : formal religious veneration : worship
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

now... I have seen many definitions of cults...but this is not one I have seen before. And this is the merriam-webster definition.

I will say I do not believe in a religion, I believe in a lifestyle. God is a tri-being that I worship, but He leads to a lifestyle not just worship and its definitely not a ritual, though so many Christians get that wrong. (go to church, pray daily, worship but live like they don't have a relationship with God, but thats another blog for another day)

Anyway,thoughts? Reflections? Comments? I want to know what people think

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Jesus....

Here a question I have always wondered about and never understood. Why are people only comfortable with worshiping gods who look like them? Buddhist, Islam, Confucius, Hindu (which would probably be the one religion who is not as guilty as others...except for maybe satanist,because he has no human form) even Christians.

I watch a lot of Christian TV, I like it, I think it teaches me a lot and I enjoy watching things with an uplifting message instead of my usual Family Guy and Simpsons(which is my normal daily watch =). But I always find myself distracted while watching these shows and usually it is because of the depiction of Jesus> Jesus is always some white male in his late 30s, maybe younger, with light brown/blondish hair. This is not Jesus.

I was looking up some information on Rastafarian beliefs and the first thing that stood out to me was Jesus was black. That was probably the main reason why this "branch", spin off or whatever you would like to call it came to be.

Really, why does it matter?

Why when people make movies about Jesus they do not go and look for someone who matches the describtion of the man in the Bible.(same with pictures,painting and whatever else) Why is all the other ideas in the Bible followed and expressed to the point, but none of the movies(ect.) I have ever seen get close the the word of God?

I was watching a movie the other day and it said "Most people are rascist and they dont even know it.." What does this say about our society? Our world? The box and lens that we like to live in and look through. Jesus was not white, black or hispanic..He was a Hebrew and spoke Hebrew, black wool like hair born in Bethlehem... from the line of David who came from the line of Adam...

Wake up world! Are people being kept from the message because of our methods of delivery, if we can change the appearance of our Savior, not just sometimes, but all the time, what else are we changing to make ourselves more comfortable calling Him our God?

Christians talk a lot about other religions saying that they took pieces of our "religion" and made something that they liked, well how often do we take part of the Bible and use it in your life, but look at other parts and decide for yourself that they are out dated and dont need to be followed. It is true that the Bible says there are times and seasons for everything and when Jesus came He did take somethings and change them. Jesus is God, He has that authority, we do not.

When i was a little girl and I was coloring a picture of Jesus when it came to coloring his skin I turned to my mother and asked,"What color is Jesus?" She answered,"Any color you want Him to be Baby." In my innocence I decided that Jesus was my favorite color, Purple. When it comes to His message Jesus is colorless and when it comes to the Man, He was a Hebrew and I am proud to worship Him.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Message?

"this is some bullshit. people goin home gettin wit family's. the truth is we are all one family in love and that is why we worship Jesus. because we want to be like Jesus, not just on christmas, but throughout the whole year. we want to give love. christmas turned tradition turned nasty."

I have a friend that really loves Christ and is really following through with God purpose by spreading God's message to the Nations, all people. This above was his facebook status. It kind of made me sad because this form or "preaching" the gospel is not helping but hindering the message of God. It says in Jude that even when the arch angel was arguing over the body of Moses, something very important, he did not result to slander, he rebuked him in that name of the Lord. That is how we should handle these problems, that is how we should spread the gospel, in the name of the Lord. We should not try and make it better or add stress by putting in words that are not glorying to God or adding methods that are of the world and of the Kingdom.

As Christians so many times we forget that our God is Alpha and Omega! God is our Creator. We are here to spread the word. be an example of what Christmas really is through our words and actions and we will leave the changing of the heart the Holy Spirit, because that is out of our power!

Merry Christmas. I love you, because God loved me first =)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

In the beginning

There are many reasons to start a blog...well I have one, Christ. I have always wanted to start a blog and I never did because i figured no one would want to hear(read) what I have to say(or write). Well over the years I have come to find out, people listen and believe the stupidest things and I can at least put out the truth. Plus I met this guy, Adam Smith, who started a blog just because and now he has a very well known blog.. if he can do it so can I!
So, Strangers and Aliens. This came from Hebrews 11v13-17, my life verse(13). "13 All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth. 14 Obviously people who say such things are looking forward to a country they can call their own. 15 If they had longed for the country they came from, they could have gone back. 16 But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them" These verses are talking about the people in the Bible who followed God even when they did not see the promises fulfilled that God had made first hand. They trust and believe that God is a faithful God and they followed Him in a way that they are still admired and talked about today.
I want to be a person like that, when people who do not believe in the God I serve read my blog...and I hope they do, I do not want you to read my blog and think I am trying to convert you or convince you that my God is the right God. I want you to see a person who loves you and serves God to the best of her ability. I know God can change the world and if He wants to use me, I want to be available.
I dont really have an agenda for this blog, I believe I should have started one a long time ago and today I have followed through. My prayer is to God be the glory and through Him, this blog will change peoples lives, including mine.

In love,