Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Jesus....

Here a question I have always wondered about and never understood. Why are people only comfortable with worshiping gods who look like them? Buddhist, Islam, Confucius, Hindu (which would probably be the one religion who is not as guilty as others...except for maybe satanist,because he has no human form) even Christians.

I watch a lot of Christian TV, I like it, I think it teaches me a lot and I enjoy watching things with an uplifting message instead of my usual Family Guy and Simpsons(which is my normal daily watch =). But I always find myself distracted while watching these shows and usually it is because of the depiction of Jesus> Jesus is always some white male in his late 30s, maybe younger, with light brown/blondish hair. This is not Jesus.

I was looking up some information on Rastafarian beliefs and the first thing that stood out to me was Jesus was black. That was probably the main reason why this "branch", spin off or whatever you would like to call it came to be.

Really, why does it matter?

Why when people make movies about Jesus they do not go and look for someone who matches the describtion of the man in the Bible.(same with pictures,painting and whatever else) Why is all the other ideas in the Bible followed and expressed to the point, but none of the movies(ect.) I have ever seen get close the the word of God?

I was watching a movie the other day and it said "Most people are rascist and they dont even know it.." What does this say about our society? Our world? The box and lens that we like to live in and look through. Jesus was not white, black or hispanic..He was a Hebrew and spoke Hebrew, black wool like hair born in Bethlehem... from the line of David who came from the line of Adam...

Wake up world! Are people being kept from the message because of our methods of delivery, if we can change the appearance of our Savior, not just sometimes, but all the time, what else are we changing to make ourselves more comfortable calling Him our God?

Christians talk a lot about other religions saying that they took pieces of our "religion" and made something that they liked, well how often do we take part of the Bible and use it in your life, but look at other parts and decide for yourself that they are out dated and dont need to be followed. It is true that the Bible says there are times and seasons for everything and when Jesus came He did take somethings and change them. Jesus is God, He has that authority, we do not.

When i was a little girl and I was coloring a picture of Jesus when it came to coloring his skin I turned to my mother and asked,"What color is Jesus?" She answered,"Any color you want Him to be Baby." In my innocence I decided that Jesus was my favorite color, Purple. When it comes to His message Jesus is colorless and when it comes to the Man, He was a Hebrew and I am proud to worship Him.

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