Saturday, June 19, 2010


Do you ever feel like you are lost in the middle of a really, really dark world with no light anywhere??! I Do sometimes...a lot lately. God is doing some crazy things and sometimes i just feel...lost. I know He is there and I know He has everything under control, yet I still have problem putting my trust in Him. The school that I was so sure about going to I just turned down because I didnt get into the program I wanted to get I told my dream school NO. Can you believe that? I cannot, it's something I never saw myself doing..NOW IM CLUELESS!! Like seriously, what now? Well I am thinking about taking a year off but I dont know what that will help accomplish.

I Do, however, believe this is a good step in the right direction to see what God wants me to do. As i said before I have trust problems and maybe God has put me in this season to learn to trust Him. Which I think I am on my way to... I have my moments, but I am human that will come, I just have to remember How great and loving and Kind my God is.

I am not really sure that anyone reads my all, but for those of you who might I pray that you will trust God with everything. Even when you feel like you are in a room with no light in the middle of NO WHERE.... you aren't and there is always light. In you, the light that is place there by God Himself to keep us strong and to strengthen us as we live out lives out for Him.

I am so happy to have a God that cared so much for me to create a story, life, personality and everything else that is just special to me. For those who are not sure that God is real I want you to thin about laughter and love. Those people in our lives that make us feel safe. The connection we have with our best friends and our parents. Even though God may seem abstract to us in the seen world the things we dont see like love, laughter that we feel are a couple of reminders of how special God is and how special we are to Him.

I love you

1 comment:

  1. Chaarity,
    Girl I feel your struggle, trusting God is so hard sometimes, as is trusting people. But sometimes in order to trust God you have to learn to trust yourself too.
    I am so encouraged by you and your life. No matter where you go or what you do next, it is all for His glory. Let me share with you my favorite verse. Ecclesiastes 3:11- "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." He will make this beautiful too, it just takes time, and not our time but His. And girl we cannot even fathom what God has done, is doing, or will do! He is just that awesome!
    So stand in awe! Trust Him and trust yourself!
