Friday, September 2, 2011

Caring is Sharing

So... Its been awhile since I have written anything... I didnt think anyone paid attention to this, though the this new blog home page... I'm actually wrong about that AND I got a text message from a new friend that stated, " I disagree with your Worldviiew" my first thought was... join the club, I'm a just a Christian but a Christ Follower).Then he mentioned my blog and said he didnt think that people dont care about one another... Strangely enough, I was having that same conversation in my head before he wrote me and I was just trying to get over that fact that its true; people do not care about other people. BUT in order for this conversation to work...we have to define caring. As stated before, I am a Christian, so I am going to with a more Biblical out look for things. Jesus(God) is love and love involves caring... and He only wants the best for us. So that is the kind of caring I am talking about. If you meet Jesus on the street you would walk away from that conversation thinking..."Man, that guy really saw me for who I was... and was genuinely concerned about my life, well being and creating a relationship with me." Right? Okay. Now I am going to introduce you to the happenings of the night: I was suppose to hang out with a new group of friends.We were going to a Frat party...yeah not really my hang out, BUT I wanted to spend sometime with the girl that wanted to go- so I agreed. Beatrice, all names have been changed to protect the loved ones involved, decided that she didnt want to go unless another one of our friends went. Well, he,we are going to call him Benny, was really sick and I knew he probably wasn't going to come.... Now that I write this I wonder if she knew he wasn't going to come from the very beginning but we will say no and give her the benefit of the doubt. So Another guy, we will call Benny2, was already on board and we were just waiting to hear word from Beatrice and Benny. Well no word came and I'm not surprised. So.. I text Benny2... Yo Benny2, I think that our plans are going to be cancelled (explaining above) and he was oooh okay. I was in the mood for a movie and I usually go alone but since him and I had "plans" I invited him a long. He responds "sure, why not?" And I was like... " You should have said,'with you, yea!'" just joking around. Then he says...Well, Beatrice is already here, so can we come? I wanted to be like "Hellz to the No"(excuse my language-thats just how I felt) but I didnt. I just said sure, but nothing scary. We then began to construct new plans for the night. Then Benny2 randomly mentions to me they are going to eat if I wanted to come... and I was already out with my mother so declined, but asked where they were going. He told me and informed me they were about to walk in and he would text me later if they can still go to the movies. I gladly responded,"No thanks". SO... what happened here was, I made plans with friends and they changed them without even telling me. Then when I call to let them know I was changing mine and make new ones with them and they agreed to them-in which THEY WERE ALREADY MAKING OTHER PLANS and the likely hood of them coming to a movie with me was very, very small.( I prefer rejection over lies- I'm, pretty sure everyone does. Think back to the last time you told someone a were probably avoiding rejecting them....) I know what you are thinking- this is one, isolated event. I can't make up my mind about all people over this and you would be correct. However, if you know me, you know I have a wide and diverse group of associates. Most of them are just like this- putting themselves before others (whether I am the victim or watching them) Actually, I wouldn't even go as far to say that people DON"T care... people don't know how to care. Whose fault is that?.... I blame society for a lot of things the people should take personal responsibility for, but I don't think that people realize the influence it really has on us. I believe that people are my calling. God has given me a great ability to love people, genuinely- I don't think I was named Chaarity by accident. Yes, it's tiring and Yes, it is a struggle... I have been to many funerals and I have read stories on people who have passed. The only way we will be remembered is through the thoughts of other people. What are they going to say about you? She always had the nicest clothes....She was smart but always kept to herself....When ever I needed her I could never get her BUT when she needed something she was my best friend. Through all of this, I will never give up on people. I do meet people who I can walk away from and feel like they really saw me, not my dreads, my dark skin or not my glasses, but me. Those people remind me how much God loves me and if I can show that to one other person, then I will continue through the tiredness and the struggle because Your worth it.

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