Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Counter- Cultural my a**

You know what?

Back when I started this blog I had no idea what it meant to be a stranger. No idea.

As I grow up , I wonder if I am actually alien. If God actually put me in a world of strangers because he though it would be a funny experiment.

I have come to an awkward position in my life where I don't belong in any group that I once thought I belonged in.... I hate church, it makes me angry, I don't like being in school and students...God help, My family are a bunch of strangers, and everyone else....seems numb.

When I do find people like me, we all feel the same way. Lost, alone, and tired....mainly under-stimulated by this world and the options of intimacy, of dept of conversation, of common decency.

Christians are supposed to be counter-cultural, but to me most Christians fit right it. They (in American at least) strive for the house, kids, white fence lifestyle just like everyone else. Job, money and cars...

What about relationships?

What about education?

What about spiritualness?

Why don't we talk about these concepts more often? What happen to community and purpose? It has been transformed into money, cars, and sadly, yes with

I can't tell you the last "Christian" guy I went on a date with who would not want to soon partake in sexual intimacy....Actually I can- NONE. None of them saw that it was important or necessary to know my heart, to seek God's heart, to understand how I think, to know if I had an STD....

What is really going on?

Who is really going to care to change the conversation in church? Who is going to stop and analyze that our methods are not working?

These people who so are few far and between. They are tired, discouraged, and fed-up.

Rightfully so when we see "our" pastors on TV on reality shows with houses as big as convention centers and there are people IN THEIR CHURCHES who don't know what they are going to eat...can't get shoes for their kids and family.

And this is considered kingdom building? This is suppose to reach the people and lead them to something counter-cultural?

In what world?

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