Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"The New Civil Rights Movement"

The New Civil Rights Movement

Charles Blow, New York Times Columnist, at Brown University September 17, 2015

Yesterday evening I had the pleasure of hearing Charles Blow, writer for the New York Times, speak at Brown University on what he called “The New Civil Rights Movement”. This was such an interesting lecture because there was so much to cover in such a short amount of time. It was apparent that Mr. Blow knew that every person had a topic on the forefront of their minds and he wanted to touch on them them all.

When Mr. Blow began, however, he started with a topic that I do not think any of us suspected. He announced that yesterday, September the 18, 2015, was the 60th anniversary of Emmett Till's murder. He then began to explain the conditions of the time, the “reasons” for his attack, and the emotions and thoughts his mother must had experienced to have an open casket funeral for the world to experience. This set the tone for the speech, but also for the condition of the world as Mr. Blow has experienced as a writer. Blow went on to explain that Emmett Till's murder was the spark that ignited the Civil Rights Movement. Rose Parks was at a meeting discussing Emmett Till and violence towards the black community the day before she, supported by the NAACP, decided to stand her ground on bus segregation. He went on to quote Rose Parks saying many have stated that she was tired and did not want to give up her seat, and though that was true, she was not physically tired; she was mentally tired of the condition of her reality as a black person in America.

Blow goes on to suggest that the murders that have happened lately, like the murder of Micheal Brown, sparked the same feelings in the current generation. my generation. Blow continues with that fact that black Americans, and all people color in our nation, are fed up with the condition of their reality and want to see a change. Blow also noted that the response, and violence, that has been led by the various Police Departments is not helping or defusing the issues in most situations. Adding, one point that seems obvious, but might be over looked, that so many of these problems that have ignited “The New Civil Rights Movement” have been set off in the North. Blow then stated that “The North needs to learn how to deal with their racism”. Many of the places where problems are arising are places where diversity has been welcomed, but not present until recent years. Now that diversity has shown it's impact on their communities, they are afraid and reacting, not communicating, and, in many cases, not thinking through their actions.

Mr. Blow did talk about solutions. His main solution was simple and , to many, self explanatory. When he was asked by a student how can we get involved in [the Black Lives Matters'] movement that is “leaderless”, he responded with education. Blow went on to explain that we have the most influence on the people in our sphere of life. That when people are talking about local events, facts, and issues and are incorrect, we need to correct them; they need to be our focus. He also pointed out that in order to change the future we, as a nation, need not to be historically illiterate. We need to know our history. He ended on a a quote that has been accredited to Zora Neale Hurston, “If you are silent about your pain, they will kill you and say that you enjoyed it.”

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Counter- Cultural my a**

You know what?

Back when I started this blog I had no idea what it meant to be a stranger. No idea.

As I grow up , I wonder if I am actually alien. If God actually put me in a world of strangers because he though it would be a funny experiment.

I have come to an awkward position in my life where I don't belong in any group that I once thought I belonged in.... I hate church, it makes me angry, I don't like being in school and students...God help, My family are a bunch of strangers, and everyone else....seems numb.

When I do find people like me, we all feel the same way. Lost, alone, and tired....mainly under-stimulated by this world and the options of intimacy, of dept of conversation, of common decency.

Christians are supposed to be counter-cultural, but to me most Christians fit right it. They (in American at least) strive for the house, kids, white fence lifestyle just like everyone else. Job, money and cars...

What about relationships?

What about education?

What about spiritualness?

Why don't we talk about these concepts more often? What happen to community and purpose? It has been transformed into money, cars, and sadly, yes with Christians...sex.

I can't tell you the last "Christian" guy I went on a date with who would not want to soon partake in sexual intimacy....Actually I can- NONE. None of them saw that it was important or necessary to know my heart, to seek God's heart, to understand how I think, to know if I had an STD....

What is really going on?

Who is really going to care to change the conversation in church? Who is going to stop and analyze that our methods are not working?

These people who so are few far and between. They are tired, discouraged, and fed-up.

Rightfully so when we see "our" pastors on TV on reality shows with houses as big as convention centers and there are people IN THEIR CHURCHES who don't know what they are going to eat...can't get shoes for their kids and family.

And this is considered kingdom building? This is suppose to reach the people and lead them to something counter-cultural?

In what world?

Monday, September 17, 2012


I think that God is mad at you..
Don't be mad at me I'm just the messenger He used.

He wants me to tell you to know He's here for you
And he doesn't like the methods you use..
To hide, to leave, to ignore His call
He wants you to know He have plans for you,
A call.

He says, listen up, you humans all fall,
But I have something much greater for you in store.
Come take my hand
Listen to my voice,
Once again I beg you to come close.

Take heed to my words,
There is work to be done
And you, Sir, are just prefect for what I need done.

(Chaarity Williams)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Free to Love

As much as I want to move on
I feel postponed,
Like my love for you has chained me to the wall
But Love is not a chain
Its a song, that sets you free
Free to dance,
Free to take a chance,
Free to open your eyes and see everything at a new glance.

Maybe I need to rethink this love.
Maybe I need to rethink all the memories hidden between the lines above.
Then on bended knee return to the love that did set me free.
Free to love you without hate or animosity,
Love so free it took nothing from me.
But gave me everything I never could be
To be the one I am created to be.

Hopefully my light will shine through,
So you can be the man in you that is true.
So you can be free to dance, chance and glance,
On the one true love that never fades but expands...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Have you ever been so angry you forget to breathe????????? I have, just was, so I am going to encourage myself and hopefully some1 else who needs it... "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." James 1:19-20 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Cor 13.4-5 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. " 1John4:8 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." Phil 3:3 Following Christ is not easy,loving people is even harder, forgivenss seems almost impossible but through Christ all is possible. (Luke1:37) When you ask for the Lord to bring you closer to Him know it comes with a cost- but profit is worth so much more than the investment.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Caring is Sharing

So... Its been awhile since I have written anything... I didnt think anyone paid attention to this, though the this new blog home page... I'm actually wrong about that AND I got a text message from a new friend that stated, " I disagree with your Worldviiew" my first thought was... join the club, I'm a Christian...lol(not just a Christian but a Christ Follower).Then he mentioned my blog and said he didnt think that people dont care about one another... Strangely enough, I was having that same conversation in my head before he wrote me and I was just trying to get over that fact that its true; people do not care about other people. BUT in order for this conversation to work...we have to define caring. As stated before, I am a Christian, so I am going to with a more Biblical out look for things. Jesus(God) is love and love involves caring... and He only wants the best for us. So that is the kind of caring I am talking about. If you meet Jesus on the street you would walk away from that conversation thinking..."Man, that guy really saw me for who I was... and was genuinely concerned about my life, well being and creating a relationship with me." Right? Okay. Now I am going to introduce you to the happenings of the night: I was suppose to hang out with a new group of friends.We were going to a Frat party...yeah not really my hang out, BUT I wanted to spend sometime with the girl that wanted to go- so I agreed. Beatrice, all names have been changed to protect the loved ones involved, decided that she didnt want to go unless another one of our friends went. Well, he,we are going to call him Benny, was really sick and I knew he probably wasn't going to come.... Now that I write this I wonder if she knew he wasn't going to come from the very beginning but we will say no and give her the benefit of the doubt. So Another guy, we will call Benny2, was already on board and we were just waiting to hear word from Beatrice and Benny. Well no word came and I'm not surprised. So.. I text Benny2... Yo Benny2, I think that our plans are going to be cancelled (explaining above) and he was oooh okay. I was in the mood for a movie and I usually go alone but since him and I had "plans" I invited him a long. He responds "sure, why not?" And I was like... " You should have said,'with you, yea!'" just joking around. Then he says...Well, Beatrice is already here, so can we come? I wanted to be like "Hellz to the No"(excuse my language-thats just how I felt) but I didnt. I just said sure, but nothing scary. We then began to construct new plans for the night. Then Benny2 randomly mentions to me they are going to eat if I wanted to come... and I was already out with my mother so declined, but asked where they were going. He told me and informed me they were about to walk in and he would text me later if they can still go to the movies. I gladly responded,"No thanks". SO... what happened here was, I made plans with friends and they changed them without even telling me. Then when I call to let them know I was changing mine and make new ones with them and they agreed to them-in which THEY WERE ALREADY MAKING OTHER PLANS and the likely hood of them coming to a movie with me was very, very small.( I prefer rejection over lies- I'm, pretty sure everyone does. Think back to the last time you told someone a lie...you were probably avoiding rejecting them....) I know what you are thinking- this is one, isolated event. I can't make up my mind about all people over this and you would be correct. However, if you know me, you know I have a wide and diverse group of associates. Most of them are just like this- putting themselves before others (whether I am the victim or watching them) Actually, I wouldn't even go as far to say that people DON"T care... people don't know how to care. Whose fault is that?.... I blame society for a lot of things the people should take personal responsibility for, but I don't think that people realize the influence it really has on us. I believe that people are my calling. God has given me a great ability to love people, genuinely- I don't think I was named Chaarity by accident. Yes, it's tiring and Yes, it is a struggle... I have been to many funerals and I have read stories on people who have passed. The only way we will be remembered is through the thoughts of other people. What are they going to say about you? She always had the nicest clothes....She was smart but always kept to herself....When ever I needed her I could never get her BUT when she needed something she was my best friend. Through all of this, I will never give up on people. I do meet people who I can walk away from and feel like they really saw me, not my dreads, my dark skin or not my glasses, but me. Those people remind me how much God loves me and if I can show that to one other person, then I will continue through the tiredness and the struggle because Your worth it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

World Citizens

My fellow citizens:

Why is it that we dont care enough about ourselves to educate ourselves about our country? Our government? The decisions that are made everyday with our money and through our authorities?

Okay- So you hate Obama? Welcome to the President hating club, EVERY SINGLE ONE WE HAVE HAD HAS HAD ONE...well Maybe not Washington. However, I just believe that's because people were still testing the waters with this "freedom" idea. If he were here today, most of America- educated or otherwise would probably strongly dislike him. Knowing our present generations it would probably be because of his wooden teeth. I mean, one of the man reason why Nixon didn't win against JFK was because he wasn't as good looking on TV....

Another Dislike

Lack of common care for our fellow man. As I walked around campus one day with my friend and I was hit by 2 or so umbrellas. None of which even looked back after or AT me when it happen. They saw me, but it just didn't matter. Sure this seems like a small crime, but this mind set is what makes it funny for teenagers to kill homeless people. Or for guys to rape a girl after she has had too many. Or what makes a Pimp someone else's problem.

At this rate, we are all going to watch each other be killed and not even think twice about it....

Women use men- Men use women in relationships that are suppose to bring happiness and joy that has been proven cant be found in any other place. BUT still, instead of caring for people and living a more fulfilling life- we would rather hurt people to make ourselves feel "better" and keep ourselves from getting hurt.

(I know then we get into the argument, What is a Filling life? Is it relative? If we didnt need one another, then our existence wouldn't be so dependent one another.)

Reality, no one wins. You still feel like crap and that person feels even worse. Keep moving though... to your next victim and dont look back. It shows weakness.

WAKE UP PEOPLE- this universe had a beginning and it is going to come to an end. Even if there is nothing waiting on the other side at least on this side I lived for something bigger than myself- A Community.