Have you ever heard the term "Walking Zombies"? It is used to describe people who are just going through the motions of life. This looks different for everyone. Cooking, cleaning, working, markets, hanging with the boys, working out and such- the life I always promised myself I would never live in…yet I think that I was sucked into that life.
God created us all special, unique. He created us with a calling that is pleasing to Him, but feeds to who God made us as a person. For some people that is food in the form of restaurants, cooking show and books. Others sports, kids books, teaching… and the list goes on and on and on. Question I have for you is what keeps you from being a walking Zombie? What keeps you from just going through the motions of life, not even thinking about what God made us uniquely passionate about?
Since my second year of high school I have known that my passion is people. I love people; I do not completely understand it sometimes. Over the years however, I have become used to situations like talking my ex-boyfriends through break ups with the girl after me! ha That passion for people has feed my desire to help with ending Modern Day Slavery in its many forms. One way that happen is because I want so badly for girls to know how special they are and they are worth being wait on that to hear about girls, and boys, that are forced to have sex and are taught that they deserve what they are going through is just heart breaking. Or people being forced to kill people until murder is a part of their life-style.
Since I have been home and got involved with this organization called Operation Broken Silence I remembered just how sold out I was for this cause and I am awakening from this horrible state of Zombieness (which I’m sure is not a word, but gets the point across!)
I am so blessed to have found something that is worth fighting for that get me out of bed in the morning!(this is one out of many for me) That’s my prayer for everyone…the millions that read my blog haha
If you have a passion, please share!
In Christ
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