Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I am reading this new book called Enslaved. As you probably guessed, it is about slavery. Not in the forms that brought my kind over on a boat, but the kind that is taking place everyday, all around us,, that the average person doesn't even know about.
The book gives first hand stories of people that have been forced into Modern Day Slavery... servants, prostitution.. whatever. One story is called Slave in America. It's about this girl that ran away from home because she was under going much sexual and physical abuse at home and thought there would be anything better than the situation she was in... She soon found out that was not the case. She lived on the street for a long time, being shunned for being a homeless teen...yea, I didn't know people did that. I have never met a homeless teen and I surely wouldn't move to the other side of the street when I saw one coming- seriously?
After being homeless for awhile she bumped into this man that stopped and talked to her. Listened to her every problem and lured her into trusting her. Well, she soon found out that the man she trusted was a very bad person..did things to her that I cannot even imagine happening to someone. Much, much later her "owner" was arrested under unrelated charges in AZ, at which she was found bound in a closet. The police told her to shut up or she would be arrested too when she asked for a female cop..she wasn't even 18 yet. (And people wonder why the public hate cops...)

I am actively working to have these things stopped, but I still get overwhelmed sometimes that some helpless person is suffering because of the ignorance of the people around them.

I am ready for a change. One thing that helps me is Galatians 6:9 "And never grow weary of doing good, in due season you will reap, if you do not give up." Slavery will be ended I just have to keep following the passion the Lord has put in me and remember the victims that I am fighting for.

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