When we grow up as children we are told that we can do anything. We have dreams and hopes and expectations. Before school we have an imagination that could save that world in one night. As we get older and we go to school a whole new set of expectations are put on us. We are averaged and scaled according to our “ability”.
Over time the world view of teachers and bosses… friends are infringed on us and we become callused and sucked into this idea of “what things are suppose to be”. Sometimes…most of the time people become lost in this world where all you focus on is what we have, what fun we can have with it and we lost ourselves in the flow of things.
Have you ever taken time to just sit back and think about who you are really are? What you really care about? What you believed before the world told you it was impossible?
Instead in most cases we keep searching for things that will get rid of that void that we feeling of insignificance, and many times people get stuck in that search: addictions, bad relationships… life ending situations.
When all we are doing is losing ourselves again… just in a different way…
Look out from your life and you will see that the thing that you are looking for, the feeling that you are chasing is much, much bigger than you. It’s the things around us, it’s the people God puts in our lives, it’s the chance to save the world- the feeling that after a long life of cynicism and dark worldviews has been killed and dismissed.
Don’t believe me? Think about the people who have lived a life of happiness, of joy; the people who are not chasing. What is different about them and you? They are seeking ways to change something that has been wronged or maybe just notice the girl they met that has low self esteem or helped someone find purpose- in turn finding their purpose.
What exactly do you have to lose if you have already lost yourself?
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